Ready for NYC Mayor Heir de Blasio, Divider-in-Chief, to Give You Your Digital Tattoo?

Unphased, he seems hellbent on returning the City to the horribly depressing and dangerous pre-Giuliani times. He’s continually shown disrespect to New York’s finest with his platitude tongue. Instead of riding around the City in the mobile COVID-19 concentration camps a.k.a. the subways with the homeless, he’s being chauffeured around town sowing antisemitic rhetoric.


He seems to have a fetish with sticking it to New York’s Jewish community. Last year he towed Bill Gates plan to vaccinate the world when he forcibly bent NYC’s orthodox Jews over and raped them with Big Pharma’s needle of love. That wasn’t enough for him, no no, this year Heir de Blasio is using the police to enforce China’s and Gates’ World Health Organization plan for economic suicide. Suicide or planned suicide? It’s okay to ask because you might remember Heir de Blasio “didn’t acknowledge until April 3 that asymptomatic transmission was taking place, claiming he had learned this in the last two days. It had been 63 days since Anthony Fauci declared that asymptomatic transmission was certainly happening”.


On Tuesday, April 28th, urgent care doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi issued a press briefing that was published on YouTube. The very next day YouTube banned the video because it went against their “community guidelines”. You are not allowed to hear or see anything not approved by the technocrat elites. Since the banning of Alex Jones and his wildly popular INFOWARS show off of the mainstream social media platforms in 2018, several other video sharing sites like BitChute were created to counteract the censorship. Thankfully, Dr. Erickson’s briefing is still available in it’s entirely on BitChute.


These are American front-line doctors leveling with the world and devastating the mainstream lockdown narrative being foisted on us by the communist run W.H.O. Yet, Heir de Blasio can’t stand for New Yorkers going against his ever changing opinion and the globalist W.H.O. dictates. You must not think for yourself, instead you must stay in your home and die. Never mind Sweden’s claims of herd immunity. No, you must wear gloves and masks all day long and imprison yourself at home. Life will not return to normal for you until you submit and beg for their digital tattoo which will track you and your vaccination records like a dog.


Not so deep down we know we’re being lied to. New Yorkers are outraged that not only has the City’s subway system been running, they’re being inundated with the homeless, whose numbers have risen since Heir de Blasio’s time as mayor. Only now, when the COVID-19 death rate in NYC is rapidly subsiding and the mayor is catching heat over the deplorable subway conditions, does he now start jackbooting around touting new disinfecting measures for the subway and providing help to the homeless. Probably more of der Führer’s superior out of sight out of mind homeless assistance his famous for.


Obviously, Heir de Blasio has been busy releasing hundreds of convicts onto the streets and managing his Stasi tipline, you know to ensure feelings of brotherly love throughout the land in these difficult times. Always makes time to stick it to those wretched looking orthodox Jews who are refusing to stay in their trains as they have been ordered. If New Yorker’s view of the NYPD weren’t negative enough, Heir de Blasio isn’t helping their image much by using them as his personal Brown Shirt goon squad to terrorize the Jewish people. The police are disgusted with him and his unconstitutional mandates and they are calling him out on it. On April 29th the NYPD Sergeants Benevolent Association President, Ed Mullins, called Heir de Blasio “An Idiot” and went on to say “Mayor DeBlasio, YOU cannot instruct the NYPD to violate people's rights!" Can I get an AMEN?!


Heir de Blasio your Stasi techniques are loathsome. New Yorkers are seeing through your divide and conquer tactics and are rejecting them along with you. The Jewish community is not your scapegoat. People of all faiths will not stand by while you goosestep around on the people's rights. We will double-down and fight even harder against you and your ilk. You will not succeed in pitting neighbors against one another with your racist Stasi methods. You had your way with the Jewish community last year forcibly injecting them Big Pharma’s vaccines, but New Yorkers are onto you now. You’re being exposed for pushing the Chinese Communist Party and Gates W.H.O. agenda. Good luck when you come for the rest of New Yorkers in Fall with Bill Gates’ mandatory love potion.


It’s wonderful to hear New Yorkers coming together every evening at 7pm applauding America’s “essential” workers. That's all well and good; however, it's important to remember we’re all essential, each and everyone of us. People of all faiths, are coming together and letting Heir de Blasio know that he has no authority to dictate how, when and where they worship. That's not for him to decide, he has no constitutional authority whatsoever to impede upon the free exercise of religion by Americans. Who does the mayor think he is Pharaoh? No, you’re Heir de Blasio the idiot. Go reacquaint yourself with the First Amendment you jerk. Along with applauding “essentials” at 7pm, it would be great if all churches nation wide would ring their bells and Jews blow shoferot in solidarity of our religious rights that are being trampled upon. Let Heir de Blasio know he is not a god, but just another retched politician that nobody likes.


People of Gotham unite, stay strong, help the weak and defend the helpless.




enjoying the lockdown lowres


heir de blasio